6852 Sonar Security
LEGO no. | 6852 | LEGO year | 1993 | LEGO Theme | Space | Number of pages | 4 | Number of pieces | 62 |
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2468 My First Rattle
LEGO no. | 2468 | LEGO year | 2000 | LEGO Theme | Dacta | Number of pages | 1 | Number of pieces | 2 |
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71017 Minifigures The LEGO Batman Movie Series
LEGO no. | 71017 | LEGO year | 2017 | LEGO Theme | Batman | Number of pages | 2 |
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4020 Fire Fighting Boat
LEGO no. | 4020 | LEGO year | 1987 | LEGO Theme | Boat | Number of pages | 8 | Number of pieces | 214 |
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6004 Crossbow Cart
LEGO no. | 6004 | LEGO year | 1997 | LEGO Theme | Castle | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 21 |
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6375 Trans Air Carrier
LEGO no. | 6375 | LEGO year | 1990 | LEGO Theme | Legoland | Number of pages | 8 | Number of pieces | 214 |
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40305 LEGO Brand Store
LEGO no. | 40305 | LEGO year | 2018 | LEGO Theme | Promotional | Number of pages | 84 | Number of pieces | 362 |
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10914 Deluxe Brick Box
LEGO no. | 10914 | LEGO year | 2020 | LEGO Theme | Duplo | Number of pages | 28 | Number of pieces | 85 |
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70223 Icebite's Claw Driller
LEGO no. | 70223 | LEGO year | 2015 | LEGO Theme | Chima | Number of pages | 136 | Number of pieces | 629 |
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8536 Kopaka
LEGO no. | 8536 | LEGO year | 2001 | LEGO Theme | Bionicle | Number of pages | 32 | Number of pieces | 33 |
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71027 LEGO Minifigures - Series 20 {Random Bag}
LEGO no. | 71027 | LEGO year | 2020 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 2 |
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71453 Izzie and Bunchu the Bunny
LEGO no. | 71453 | LEGO year | 2023 | LEGO Theme | Dreamzzz | Number of pages | 84 | Number of pieces | 259 |
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40344 Summer Celebration Minifigure Pack
LEGO no. | 40344 | LEGO year | 2019 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 45 |
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Unknown LEGO Catalog 10 FR
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2250 Christmas Calender
LEGO no. | 2250 | LEGO year | 2000 | LEGO Theme | Basic | Number of pages | 1 | Number of pieces | 240 |
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79007 Battle at the Black Gate
LEGO no. | 79007 | LEGO year | 2013 | LEGO Theme | Lord of the Rings | Number of pages | 128 | Number of pieces | 656 |
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21043 San Francisco
LEGO no. | 21043 | LEGO year | 2019 | LEGO Theme | Architecture | Number of pages | 128 | Number of pieces | 565 |
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2076 Peek a Boo Playhouse
LEGO no. | 2076 | LEGO year | 1999 | LEGO Theme | Primo | Number of pages | 1 | Number of pieces | 8 |
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2988 Surprise for Eeyore
LEGO no. | 2988 | LEGO year | 1999 | LEGO Theme | Duplo | Number of pages | 1 | Number of pieces | 32 |
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70364 Battle Suit Aaron
LEGO no. | 70364 | LEGO year | 2017 | LEGO Theme | Nexo knights | Number of pages | 40 | Number of pieces | 80 |
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8545 Whenua
LEGO no. | 8545 | LEGO year | 2001 | LEGO Theme | Bionicle | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 31 |
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21308 Adventure Time
LEGO no. | 21308 | LEGO year | 2017 | LEGO Theme | Ideas | Number of pages | 84 | Number of pieces | 495 |
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6394 Metropark and Service Tower
LEGO no. | 6394 | LEGO year | 1988 | LEGO Theme | Legoland | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 640 |
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70782 Protector of Ice
LEGO no. | 70782 | LEGO year | 2015 | LEGO Theme | Bionicle | Number of pages | 32 | Number of pieces | 68 |
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