7777 Trains Idea Book
LEGO no. | 7777 | LEGO year | 1981 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 84 | Number of pieces | 1 |
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6342 Beach Rescue ChoPper
LEGO no. | 6342 | LEGO year | 1993 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 155 |
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76949 Giganotosaurus and Therizinosaurus Attack
LEGO no. | 76949 | LEGO year | 2022 | LEGO Theme | Jurassic World | Number of pages | 172 | Number of pieces | 810 |
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75330 Dagobah Jedi Training Diorama
LEGO no. | 75330 | LEGO year | 2022 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 176 | Number of pieces | 1000 |
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30454 Shang-Chi and The Great Protector
LEGO no. | 30454 | LEGO year | 2021 | LEGO Theme | Super Heroes | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 55 |
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8364 Multi Challange Race Track
LEGO no. | 8364 | LEGO year | 2003 | LEGO Theme | Racers | Number of pages | 164 | Number of pieces | 623 |
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2010 LEGO Catalog 08 DE
Catalog no. | 2010-08 | Catalog year | 2010 | Number of pages | 102 |
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60272 Elite Police Boat Transport
LEGO no. | 60272 | LEGO year | 2020 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 92 | Number of pieces | 166 |
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8231 Vicious Viper
LEGO no. | 8231 | LEGO year | 2011 | LEGO Theme | Racers | Number of pages | 32 | Number of pieces | 96 |
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4891 Highway Haulers
LEGO no. | 4891 | LEGO year | 2006 | LEGO Theme | Creator | Number of pages | 64 | Number of pieces | 212 |
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30107 Birthday Party
LEGO no. | 30107 | LEGO year | 2013 | LEGO Theme | Friends | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 39 |
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75263 Resistance Y-wing Microfighter
LEGO no. | 75263 | LEGO year | 2020 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 40 | Number of pieces | 86 |
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2942 Playhouse
LEGO no. | 2942 | LEGO year | 2000 | LEGO Theme | Duplo | Number of pages | 1 | Number of pieces | 91 |
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44029 QUEEN Beast vs. FURNO
LEGO no. | 44029 | LEGO year | 2014 | LEGO Theme | Hero factory | Number of pages | 40 | Number of pieces | 218 |
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7116 Tahu
LEGO no. | 7116 | LEGO year | 2010 | LEGO Theme | Bionicle | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 19 |
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1978 LEGO Catalog 4 NL
Catalog no. | 1978-4 | Catalog year | 1978 | Number of pages | 2 |
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10734 Demolition Site
LEGO no. | 10734 | LEGO year | 2017 | LEGO Theme | Juniors | Number of pages | 72 | Number of pieces | 175 |
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8549 Tarakava
LEGO no. | 8549 | LEGO year | 2001 | LEGO Theme | Bionicle | Number of pages | 60 | Number of pieces | 411 |
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6923 Particle Ionizer
LEGO no. | 6923 | LEGO year | 1990 | LEGO Theme | Space | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 193 |
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951 Buldozer
LEGO no. | 951 | LEGO year | 1979 | LEGO Theme | Technic | Number of pages | 7 | Number of pieces | 368 |
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10971 Wild Animals of Africa
LEGO no. | 10971 | LEGO year | 2022 | LEGO Theme | Duplo | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 10 |
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1680 Hay Cart with Smugglers
LEGO no. | 1680 | LEGO year | 1990 | LEGO Theme | Castle | Number of pages | 4 | Number of pieces | 67 |
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7748 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid
LEGO no. | 7748 | LEGO year | 2009 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 56 | Number of pieces | 216 |
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1991 Racing Pickup
LEGO no. | 1991 | LEGO year | 1993 | LEGO Theme | Town | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 81 |
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