70170 UltraCopter vs. AntiMatter
LEGO no. | 70170 | LEGO year | 2015 | LEGO Theme | Ultra agents | Number of pages | 104 | Number of pieces | 614 |
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7104 Desert Skiff
LEGO no. | 7104 | LEGO year | 2000 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 12 | Number of pieces | 55 |
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2000 LEGO Minicatalog 14
Catalog no. | 2000-14 | Catalog year | 2000 | Number of pages | 2 |
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8051 Motorbike plus alternative
LEGO no. | 8051 | LEGO year | 2010 | LEGO Theme | Technic | Number of pages | 132 | Number of pieces | 467 |
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4151 Girl's Freestyle Set
LEGO no. | 4151 | LEGO year | 1995 | LEGO Theme | Freestyle | Number of pages | 1 | Number of pieces | 272 |
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4133 Small Freestyle Bucket
LEGO no. | 4133 | LEGO year | 1995 | LEGO Theme | Freestyle | Number of pages | 8 | Number of pieces | 137 |
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70156 Fire vs. Ice
LEGO no. | 70156 | LEGO year | 2014 | LEGO Theme | Chima | Number of pages | 36 | Number of pieces | 102 |
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75810 The Upside Down
LEGO no. | 75810 | LEGO year | 2019 | LEGO Theme | Stranger Things | Number of pages | 300 | Number of pieces | 2287 |
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40051 Valentine’s Day Heart Box
LEGO no. | 40051 | LEGO year | 2013 | LEGO Theme | Seasonal | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 54 |
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221 Idea Book
LEGO no. | 221 | LEGO year | 1974 | LEGO Theme | LEGO System | Number of pages | 68 | Number of pieces | 1 |
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31127 Street Racer
LEGO no. | 31127 | LEGO year | 2022 | LEGO Theme | Creator | Number of pages | 184 | Number of pieces | 258 |
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1670 Basic Builind Set Trail Size
LEGO no. | 1670 | LEGO year | 1992 | LEGO Theme | Basic | Number of pages | 5 | Number of pieces | 28 |
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6383 Public Works Center
LEGO no. | 6383 | LEGO year | 1981 | LEGO Theme | Legoland | Number of pages | 11 | Number of pieces | 414 |
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5358 Quatro XL
LEGO no. | 5358 | LEGO year | 2004 | LEGO Theme | Quatro | Number of pages | 1 | Number of pieces | 100 |
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2102 Storage Bee
LEGO no. | 2102 | LEGO year | 1999 | LEGO Theme | Primo | Number of pages | 1 | Number of pieces | 19 |
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43197 The Ice Castle
LEGO no. | 43197 | LEGO year | 2021 | LEGO Theme | Disney | Number of pages | 276 | Number of pieces | 1709 |
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120 Freight Train Set, Tipper Wagons
LEGO no. | 120 | LEGO year | 1969 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 8 | Number of pieces | 161 |
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40574 LEGO Brand Store
LEGO no. | 40574 | LEGO year | 2022 | LEGO Theme | Promotional | Number of pages | 116 | Number of pieces | 541 |
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6882 Walking Astro Grappler
LEGO no. | 6882 | LEGO year | 1985 | LEGO Theme | Space | Number of pages | 6 | Number of pieces | 94 |
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40245 Octopus
LEGO no. | 40245 | LEGO year | 2017 | LEGO Theme | Promotional | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 49 |
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8741 Toa Hordika Nuju
LEGO no. | 8741 | LEGO year | 2005 | LEGO Theme | Bionicle | Number of pages | 32 | Number of pieces | 50 |
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6406 Go Kart
LEGO no. | 6406 | LEGO year | 1997 | LEGO Theme | Town | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 23 |
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6866 Wolverine's Chopper Showdown
LEGO no. | 6866 | LEGO year | 2012 | LEGO Theme | Super Heroes | Number of pages | 60 | Number of pieces | 199 |
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60202 People Pack - Outdoor Adventures
LEGO no. | 60202 | LEGO year | 2018 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 64 | Number of pieces | 164 |
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