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LEGO 4400 Creation and Bricks

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Archivos adjuntos

Parte ID Quantity Color Descripción
2356 2356 1 Negro Brick 4 x 6
2357 2357 2 Azul Brick 2 x 2 Corner
2357 2357 3 Verde Arena Brick 2 x 2 Corner
2420 2420 3 Blanco Plate 2 x 2 Corner
2420 2420 1 Verde Arena Plate 2 x 2 Corner
2420 2420 1 Azul Plate 2 x 2 Corner
2420 2420 1 Naranja Oscuro Plate 2 x 2 Corner
2431 2431 2 Verde Lima Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2431 2431 1 Azul Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2431 2431 1 Naranja Oscuro Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2453a 2453a 5 Gris Oscuro Brick 1 x 1 x 5 with Blocked Open or Hollow Stud
2453a 2453a 2 Amarillo Claro Brick 1 x 1 x 5 with Blocked Open or Hollow Stud
2454a 2454a 2 Rojo Brick 1 x 2 x 5 with Blocked Open Studs and Bottom Stud Holder with Asymmetric Ridges
2454a 2454a 1 Amarillo Claro Brick 1 x 2 x 5 with Blocked Open Studs and Bottom Stud Holder with Asymmetric Ridges
2456 2456 2 Gris Claro Brick 2 x 6
2456 2456 1 Amarillo Brick 2 x 6
2456 2456 1 Marrón Brick 2 x 6
2456 2456 1 Beige Brick 2 x 6
2456 2456 1 Amarillo Claro Brick 2 x 6
2465 2465 1 Negro Brick 1 x 16
2465 2465 1 Azul Brick 1 x 16
3001 3001 4 Naranja Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 2 Amarillo Claro Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 4 Rojo Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 4 Amarillo Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 4 Azul Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 1 Azul Arena Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 4 Blanco Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 1 Turquesa Oscuro Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 2 Verde Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 4 Negro Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 2 Gris Claro Brick 2 x 4
3002 3002 2 Gris Claro Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 6 Blanco Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 6 Amarillo Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 4 Rojo Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 3 Beige Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 2 Azul Arena Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 2 Azul Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 2 Naranja Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 1 Marrón Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 3 Rojo Oscuro Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 4 Verde Arena Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 4 Negro Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 4 Verde Brick 2 x 3
3003 3003 1 Rosa Medio Oscuro Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 4 Turquesa Oscuro Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 10 Verde Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 12 Blanco Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 6 Naranja Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 10 Azul Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 10 Rojo Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 10 Negro Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 56 Gris Claro Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 1 Naranja Oscuro Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 1 Verde Arena Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 10 Amarillo Brick 2 x 2
3004 3004 12 Verde Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 16 Amarillo Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 2 Turquesa Oscuro Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 16 Blanco Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 12 Azul Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 14 Rojo Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 16 Negro Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 8 Naranja Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 8 Gris Claro Brick 1 x 2
3005 3005 2 Rojo Transparente Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 9 Marrón Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 16 Verde Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 16 Negro Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 16 Rojo Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 2 Naranja Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 6 Azul Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 2 Naranja Oscuro Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 1 Aqua Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 14 Blanco Brick 1 x 1
No Image 3005pr0002 2 Amarillo Brick 1 x 1 with Eye Squinting Black and White Print
No Image 3005pr9994 1 Gris Oscuro Brick 1 x 1 with Angry Eye Right / Sad Eye Left Print
No Image 3005pr9995 1 Gris Oscuro Brick 1 x 1 with Angry Eye Left / Sad Eye Right Print
No Image 3005pr9996 2 Amarillo Brick 1 x 1 with Simple Eye Black and White Print
3006 3006 1 Beige Brick 2 x 10
3006 3006 2 Negro Brick 2 x 10
3007 3007 1 Azul Brick 2 x 8
3007 3007 1 Beige Brick 2 x 8
3008 3008 1 Verde Lima Brick 1 x 8
3008 3008 3 Beige Brick 1 x 8
3008 3008 2 Gris Claro Brick 1 x 8
3008 3008 2 Naranja Oscuro Brick 1 x 8
3009 3009 15 Azul Brick 1 x 6
3009 3009 2 Rojo Brick 1 x 6
3009 3009 1 Naranja Oscuro Brick 1 x 6
3010 3010 2 Blanco Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 2 Verde Medio Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 1 Verde Arena Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 5 Violeta Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 2 Negro Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 2 Azul Arena Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 2 Naranja Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 4 Amarillo Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 2 Azul Brick 1 x 4
No Image 3010pr9980 1 Amarillo Brick 1 x 4 with Black Smile Print
30144 30144 2 Verde Brick 2 x 4 x 3
30145 30145 1 Azul Claro Brick 2 x 2 x 3
3020 3020 2 Negro Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 2 Rosa Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 2 Blanco Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 1 Naranja Oscuro Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 4 Naranja Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 2 Gris Claro Plate 2 x 4
3021 3021 2 Naranja Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 1 Naranja Oscuro Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 2 Rojo Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 2 Blanco Plate 2 x 3
3022 3022 1 Magenta Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 2 Blanco Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 2 Rojo Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 2 Verde Arena Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 2 Negro Plate 2 x 2
3031 3031 1 Marrón Plate 4 x 4
3031 3031 3 Rojo Plate 4 x 4
3032 3032 5 Negro Plate 4 x 6
3034 3034 1 Rojo Plate 2 x 8
3034 3034 1 Verde Arena Plate 2 x 8
3034 3034 3 Naranja Plate 2 x 8
3034 3034 1 Verde Lima Plate 2 x 8
30363 30363 2 Amarillo Slope 18° 4 x 2
30363 30363 1 Gris Claro Slope 18° 4 x 2
3037 3037 1 Marrón Slope 45° 2 x 4
3037 3037 1 Rojo Slope 45° 2 x 4
3038 3038 5 Gris Oscuro Slope 45° 2 x 3
3039 3039 2 Rojo Oscuro Slope 45° 2 x 2
3039 3039 1 Azul Oscuro Slope 45° 2 x 2
3039 3039 4 Azul Medio Slope 45° 2 x 2
3039 3039 2 Azul Oscuro Transparente Slope 45° 2 x 2
3039 3039 2 Rojo Transparente Slope 45° 2 x 2
3040b 3040b 3 Amarillo Slope 45° 2 x 1 with Bottom Pin
3040b 3040b 2 Gris Claro Slope 45° 2 x 1 with Bottom Pin
3040b 3040b 1 Verde Neón Trans Slope 45° 2 x 1 with Bottom Pin
3040b 3040b 4 Naranja Slope 45° 2 x 1 with Bottom Pin
3040b 3040b 2 Azul Slope 45° 2 x 1 with Bottom Pin
3041 3041 1 Verde Slope 45° 2 x 4 Double
3043 3043 2 Verde Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double
3044b 3044b 3 Negro Slope 45° 2 x 1 Double with Ovoid Bottom Pin
No Image 3046a 2 Verde Slope 45° 2 x 2 Double Concave
3062b 3062b 3 Azul Medio Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
3062b 3062b 2 Transparente Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
3065 3065 6 Azul Oscuro Transparente Brick 1 x 2 without Bottom Tube
3065 3065 6 Rojo Transparente Brick 1 x 2 without Bottom Tube
3298 3298 2 Azul Oscuro Slope 33° 3 x 2
3298 3298 8 Gris Claro Slope 33° 3 x 2
3298 3298 1 Turquesa Oscuro Slope 33° 3 x 2
3300 3300 2 Verde Slope 33° 2 x 2 Double
3300 3300 2 Rojo Slope 33° 2 x 2 Double
3455 3455 2 Rojo Brick Arch 1 x 6
3622 3622 1 Naranja Brick 1 x 3
3622 3622 1 Verde Lima Brick 1 x 3
3622 3622 1 Naranja Medio Brick 1 x 3
3622 3622 3 Naranja Oscuro Brick 1 x 3
3622 3622 1 Rosa Oscuro Trans Brick 1 x 3
3623 3623 1 Verde Arena Plate 1 x 3
3665 3665 2 Gris Claro Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 1
3665 3665 4 Naranja Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 1
3665 3665 2 Azul Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 1
3665 3665 2 Amarillo Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 1
3666 3666 1 Verde Arena Plate 1 x 6
3666 3666 5 Verde Plate 1 x 6
3666 3666 1 Azul Plate 1 x 6
3666 3666 5 Amarillo Plate 1 x 6
3666 3666 2 Naranja Plate 1 x 6
3675 3675 1 Rojo Slope 33° 3 x 3 Double Convex
3710 3710 2 Naranja Oscuro Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 1 Verde Arena Plate 1 x 4
3747a 3747a 2 Negro Slope Inverted 33° 3 x 2 [No Connections between Studs]
3747a 3747a 1 Turquesa Oscuro Slope Inverted 33° 3 x 2 [No Connections between Studs]
3795 3795 2 Amarillo Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 1 Violeta Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 1 Naranja Plate 2 x 6
3832 3832 1 Naranja Plate 2 x 10
3832 3832 3 Amarillo Plate 2 x 10
3941 3941 2 Rojo Brick Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole
3942c 3942c 3 Blanco Cone 2 x 2 x 2 with Completely Open Stud
3957a 3957a 1 Rojo Antenna 1 x 4 with Rounded Top
4032a 4032a 1 Amarillo Plate Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole Type 1 (+ Opening)
4161 4161 1 Negro Slope 33° 3 x 3
4286 4286 3 Naranja Slope 33° 3 x 1
4286 4286 3 Rojo Arena Slope 33° 3 x 1
4495a 4495a 1 Amarillo Flag 4 x 1 Wave [First Wave Left]
4589 4589 2 Rojo Cone 1 x 1 [No Top Groove]
4727 4727 2 Azul Plant, Flower 2 x 2 Leaves - Angular
4728 4728 2 Rojo Plant, Flower 2 x 2 - Round [Open Stud]
4728 4728 2 Verde Plant, Flower 2 x 2 - Round [Open Stud]
6111 6111 1 Marrón Brick 1 x 10
6112 6112 1 Verde Brick 1 x 12
6215 6215 1 Gris Oscuro Brick Curved 2 x 3 with Curved Top
6215 6215 1 Azul Brick Curved 2 x 3 with Curved Top
6215 6215 2 Amarillo Brick Curved 2 x 3 with Curved Top
6216 6216 1 Verde Brick Curved 2 x 4 x 2 No Studs, Triple Curved Top
6223 6223 8 Rojo Transparente Brick 2 x 2 without Inside Ridges
6223 6223 8 Azul Oscuro Transparente Brick 2 x 2 without Inside Ridges
6636 6636 2 Verde Lima Tile 1 x 6 with Groove
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