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LEGO 8678 Ultimate Build Francesco

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Parte ID Quantity Colore Descrizione
2420 2420 4 Nero Plate 2 x 2 Corner
2431 2431 2 Blu Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2436 2436 3 Bianco Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 4 [Square Corners]
2445 2445 1 Bianco Plate 2 x 12
2456 2456 1 Rosso Brick 2 x 6
2780 2780 1 Nero Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots (Ricambio)
2780 2780 6 Nero Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots
2921 2921 2 Bianco Brick Special 1 x 1 with Handle
3002 3002 2 Bianco Brick 2 x 3
3003 3003 2 Bianco Brick 2 x 2
3004 3004 1 Verde Brick 1 x 2
3005 3005 2 Blu Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 2 Verde Brick 1 x 1
3008 3008 1 Nero Brick 1 x 8
3020 3020 2 Verde Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 1 Blu Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 1 Bianco Plate 2 x 4
3021 3021 1 Giallo Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 1 Bianco Plate 2 x 3
3022 3022 3 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Plate 2 x 2
3023 3023 2 Bianco Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 4 Blu Plate 1 x 2
3024 3024 2 Bianco Plate 1 x 1
3030 3030 1 Bianco Plate 4 x 10
3031 3031 1 Blu Plate 4 x 4
3032 3032 1 Nero Plate 4 x 6
3033 3033 1 Bianco Plate 6 x 10
3034 3034 1 Verde Plate 2 x 8
30350b 30350b 2 Bianco Tile Special 2 x 3 with 2 Clips [Thick Open O Clips]
3040b 3040b 1 Bianco Slope 45° 2 x 1 with Bottom Pin
30414 30414 2 Bianco Brick Special 1 x 4 with 4 Studs on One Side
30503 30503 4 Bianco Wedge Plate 4 x 4 Cut Corner
30586 30586 2 Bianco Plate Special 2 x 8 with Door Rail
3062b 3062b 1 Blu Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
3068b 3068b 1 Bianco Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3068b 3068b 1 Verde Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3068b 3068b 1 Blu Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 1 Bianco Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Verde Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Blu Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3139 3139 4 Nero Tyre 14 x 4 Smooth Small Single
32028 32028 1 Bianco Plate Special 1 x 2 with Door Rail
32123b 32123b 1 Giallo Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Semi-Reduced (Ricambio)
32123b 32123b 4 Giallo Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Semi-Reduced
3245c 3245c 2 Bianco Brick 1 x 2 x 2 with Inside Stud Holder
3460 3460 2 Verde Plate 1 x 8
3622 3622 2 Verde Brick 1 x 3
3623 3623 3 Bianco Plate 1 x 3
3623 3623 6 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate 1 x 3
3623 3623 2 Verde Plate 1 x 3
No Image 3660pr0010 1 Verde Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 with Smiling Mouth Print
3665 3665 2 Verde Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 1
3666 3666 2 Bianco Plate 1 x 6
No Image 3678bpr0021 1 Verde Slope 65° 2 x 2 x 2 with Bottom Tube and Eyes, Green on White Background and Smile Print 2
3700 3700 2 Verde Technic Brick 1 x 2 [1 Hole]
3703 3703 2 Verde Technic Brick 1 x 16 [15 Holes]
3708 3708 2 Nero Technic Axle 12
3710 3710 2 Bianco Plate 1 x 4
3794b 3794b 6 Verde Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud with Groove (Jumper)
3795 3795 1 Bianco Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 1 Nero Plate 2 x 6
3895 3895 2 Nero Technic Brick 1 x 12 [11 Holes]
4085c 4085c 2 Nero Plate Special 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical [Thick U Clip]
41747 41747 1 Blu Wedge Curved 6 x 2 Right
41748 41748 1 Blu Wedge Curved 6 x 2 Left
41767 41767 1 Bianco Wedge 4 x 2 Right
41767 41767 1 Blu Wedge 4 x 2 Right
41768 41768 1 Bianco Wedge 4 x 2 Left
41768 41768 1 Blu Wedge 4 x 2 Left
4286 4286 1 Bianco Slope 33° 3 x 1
4286 4286 1 Blu Slope 33° 3 x 1
43710 43710 1 Verde Wedge Sloped 4 x 2 Triple Left
43711 43711 1 Verde Wedge Sloped 4 x 2 Triple Right
43722 43722 3 Blu Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Right
43722 43722 1 Bianco Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Right
43723 43723 1 Bianco Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Left
43723 43723 3 Blu Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Left
44126 44126 1 Verde Brick Curved 6 x 2
44302a 44302a 2 Bianco Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers On End, with Groove
4528 4528 2 Nero Equipment Frying Pan
4600 4600 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Plate Special 2 x 2 with Wheel Holders
4624 4624 4 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Wheel 8 x 6
50950 50950 2 Bianco Slope Curved 3 x 1 No Studs
54200 54200 4 Bianco Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54200 54200 1 Bianco Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope) (Ricambio)
54200 54200 2 Blu Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54200 54200 1 Blu Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope) (Ricambio)
54383 54383 1 Bianco Wedge Plate 6 x 3 Right
54384 54384 1 Bianco Wedge Plate 6 x 3 Left
55978 55978 4 Nero Tyre 37 x 22 ZR
56145 56145 4 Verde Wheel 30.4 x 20 without Pinholes, with Reinforced Rim
60481 60481 2 Bianco Slope 65° 2 x 1 x 2
6141 6141 1 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ricambio)
6141 6141 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
61678 61678 2 Nero Slope Curved 4 x 1 No Studs [Stud Holder with Asymmetric Ridges]
6215 6215 1 Blu Brick Curved 2 x 3 with Curved Top
62462 62462 4 Nero Technic Pin Connector Round [Slotted]
62701 62701 4 Verde Wheel Cover 9 Spoke - 18mm D.
6541 6541 1 Blu Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Hole
6636 6636 1 Bianco Tile 1 x 6 with Groove
6636 6636 2 Verde Tile 1 x 6 with Groove
85970 85970 2 Verde Brick Curved 10 x 1 [Asymmetric Inside Ridges]
No Image 86500pr0002 1 Verde Dome Hemisphere 4 x 4 with Eyes and F1 Helmet Print (Francesco)
88072 88072 1 Bianco Plate Special 1 x 2 with Arm Up [Horizontal Arm 5mm]
93274 93274 1 Verde Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 4
95120 95120 1 Bianco Hinge Tile 1 x 4 Locking Dual 1 Fingers on Top [8 Locking Ridges]
No Image 96604 1 [Nessun Colore/Qualsiasi Colore] Sticker Sheet for Set 8678-1
2420 2420 4 Nero Plate 2 x 2 Corner
2431 2431 2 Blu Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2436 2436 3 Bianco Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 4 [Square Corners]
2445 2445 1 Bianco Plate 2 x 12
2456 2456 1 Rosso Brick 2 x 6
2780 2780 1 Nero Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots (Ricambio)
2780 2780 6 Nero Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots
2921 2921 2 Bianco Brick Special 1 x 1 with Handle
3002 3002 2 Bianco Brick 2 x 3
3003 3003 2 Bianco Brick 2 x 2
3004 3004 1 Verde Brick 1 x 2
3005 3005 2 Blu Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 2 Verde Brick 1 x 1
3008 3008 1 Nero Brick 1 x 8
3020 3020 2 Verde Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 1 Blu Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 1 Bianco Plate 2 x 4
3021 3021 1 Giallo Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 1 Bianco Plate 2 x 3
3022 3022 3 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Plate 2 x 2
3023 3023 2 Bianco Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 4 Blu Plate 1 x 2
3024 3024 2 Bianco Plate 1 x 1
3030 3030 1 Bianco Plate 4 x 10
3031 3031 1 Blu Plate 4 x 4
3032 3032 1 Nero Plate 4 x 6
3033 3033 1 Bianco Plate 6 x 10
3034 3034 1 Verde Plate 2 x 8
30350b 30350b 2 Bianco Tile Special 2 x 3 with 2 Clips [Thick Open O Clips]
3040b 3040b 1 Bianco Slope 45° 2 x 1 with Bottom Pin
30414 30414 2 Bianco Brick Special 1 x 4 with 4 Studs on One Side
30503 30503 4 Bianco Wedge Plate 4 x 4 Cut Corner
30586 30586 2 Bianco Plate Special 2 x 8 with Door Rail
3062b 3062b 1 Blu Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
3068b 3068b 1 Bianco Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3068b 3068b 1 Verde Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3068b 3068b 1 Blu Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 1 Bianco Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Verde Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Blu Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3139 3139 4 Nero Tyre 14 x 4 Smooth Small Single
32028 32028 1 Bianco Plate Special 1 x 2 with Door Rail
32123b 32123b 1 Giallo Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Semi-Reduced (Ricambio)
32123b 32123b 4 Giallo Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Semi-Reduced
3245c 3245c 2 Bianco Brick 1 x 2 x 2 with Inside Stud Holder
3460 3460 2 Verde Plate 1 x 8
3622 3622 2 Verde Brick 1 x 3
3623 3623 3 Bianco Plate 1 x 3
3623 3623 6 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate 1 x 3
3623 3623 2 Verde Plate 1 x 3
No Image 3660pr0010 1 Verde Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 with Smiling Mouth Print
3665 3665 2 Verde Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 1
3666 3666 2 Bianco Plate 1 x 6
No Image 3678bpr0021 1 Verde Slope 65° 2 x 2 x 2 with Bottom Tube and Eyes, Green on White Background and Smile Print 2
3700 3700 2 Verde Technic Brick 1 x 2 [1 Hole]
3703 3703 2 Verde Technic Brick 1 x 16 [15 Holes]
3708 3708 2 Nero Technic Axle 12
3710 3710 2 Bianco Plate 1 x 4
3794b 3794b 6 Verde Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud with Groove (Jumper)
3795 3795 1 Bianco Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 1 Nero Plate 2 x 6
3895 3895 2 Nero Technic Brick 1 x 12 [11 Holes]
4085c 4085c 2 Nero Plate Special 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical [Thick U Clip]
41747 41747 1 Blu Wedge Curved 6 x 2 Right
41748 41748 1 Blu Wedge Curved 6 x 2 Left
41767 41767 1 Bianco Wedge 4 x 2 Right
41767 41767 1 Blu Wedge 4 x 2 Right
41768 41768 1 Bianco Wedge 4 x 2 Left
41768 41768 1 Blu Wedge 4 x 2 Left
4286 4286 1 Bianco Slope 33° 3 x 1
4286 4286 1 Blu Slope 33° 3 x 1
43710 43710 1 Verde Wedge Sloped 4 x 2 Triple Left
43711 43711 1 Verde Wedge Sloped 4 x 2 Triple Right
43722 43722 3 Blu Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Right
43722 43722 1 Bianco Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Right
43723 43723 1 Bianco Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Left
43723 43723 3 Blu Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Left
44126 44126 1 Verde Brick Curved 6 x 2
44302a 44302a 2 Bianco Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers On End, with Groove
4528 4528 2 Nero Equipment Frying Pan
4600 4600 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Plate Special 2 x 2 with Wheel Holders
4624 4624 4 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Wheel 8 x 6
50950 50950 2 Bianco Slope Curved 3 x 1 No Studs
54200 54200 4 Bianco Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54200 54200 1 Bianco Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope) (Ricambio)
54200 54200 2 Blu Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54200 54200 1 Blu Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope) (Ricambio)
54383 54383 1 Bianco Wedge Plate 6 x 3 Right
54384 54384 1 Bianco Wedge Plate 6 x 3 Left
55978 55978 4 Nero Tyre 37 x 22 ZR
56145 56145 4 Verde Wheel 30.4 x 20 without Pinholes, with Reinforced Rim
60481 60481 2 Bianco Slope 65° 2 x 1 x 2
6141 6141 1 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ricambio)
6141 6141 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
61678 61678 2 Nero Slope Curved 4 x 1 No Studs [Stud Holder with Asymmetric Ridges]
6215 6215 1 Blu Brick Curved 2 x 3 with Curved Top
62462 62462 4 Nero Technic Pin Connector Round [Slotted]
62701 62701 4 Verde Wheel Cover 9 Spoke - 18mm D.
6541 6541 1 Blu Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Hole
6636 6636 1 Bianco Tile 1 x 6 with Groove
6636 6636 2 Verde Tile 1 x 6 with Groove
85970 85970 2 Verde Brick Curved 10 x 1 [Asymmetric Inside Ridges]
No Image 86500pr0002 1 Verde Dome Hemisphere 4 x 4 with Eyes and F1 Helmet Print (Francesco)
88072 88072 1 Bianco Plate Special 1 x 2 with Arm Up [Horizontal Arm 5mm]
93274 93274 1 Verde Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 4
95120 95120 1 Bianco Hinge Tile 1 x 4 Locking Dual 1 Fingers on Top [8 Locking Ridges]
No Image 96604 1 [Nessun Colore/Qualsiasi Colore] Sticker Sheet for Set 8678-1
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