By zombone97 on maandag, 24 augustus 2015
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I'm looking for instructions for my first LEGO set from around 1990.

Based on the catalogs from the late 1980s and early 1990s, I'm pretty sure 1638 may be the correct set, if anyone has the instructions and/or list of parts I would appreciate it.

Here is the description as best as I can remember:

Basic Set in a blue bucket comparable in size to the current 10662 Classic set.

-Green 16x16 base plate.
-Contained one minifigure, white body, black pants, brown male hair.
-Blue flat bricks (plates) and slanted/roof bricks.
-Red window panes, green Shingles, white window frames and door.
-3 prong flowers were red and yellow.
-Included a balance of red, blue, yellow, white, and black bricks.
-black wheels, clear windshield and a few clear bricks (2x1x1) and 45 degree slanted 2x2x1.

-There may have been a rounded tree and a blue propeller.
Je peux peut ĂȘtre vous aider, j'ai la notice d'instruction et de construction
3 jaar geleden
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