By TheBrothersBrick on maandag, 23 juli 2018
Category: Latest LEGO news

That’s no moon – it’s a rebel space station

Don’t be misled by first impressions. This Rebel Alliance Space Station by Corry Lankford is an absolutely enormous LEGO creation — nearly two metres tall!

Corry has grabbed the “grubby realism” aesthetic of the Star Wars universe with both hands and stuffed his space station full of greebles and details, creating a genuine sense of a lived-in future. This shot of one of the decks showcases some of the texturing that’s gone into the model, whilst offering a glimpse of the detailed interior compartments…

It’s great to see a large-scale Star Wars model which isn’t a straight recreation of something from the movies. There’s a real sense of day-to-day life amongst the stars which comes from seeing the workers of the Rebellion going about the everyday business of keeping a Galaxy-wide insurrection up-and-running…

Some of the series’ stalwarts make an appearance aboard too, notably everyone’s favourite pair of droids, peering out the window…

The Rebellion has its fair share of ships, so it’s only natural they need somewhere to refuel. That’s what this station is all about at its “business end”. Check out the fuel tanks with their warning stickers, and those pipelines. My favourite touch has to be the worklights hanging beneath the gantry — how else are you going to see what you’re doing out in the darkness of space?

Obviously putting together such an impressive model wasn’t enough for Corry, so there’s a veritable fleet of Rebel spacecraft ready to be replenished. Highlights for me included a nicely put-together Blockade Runner, and a wonderful little repair craft…

This is an excellent LEGO model — taking inspiration from Star Wars, but not being limited by the source material. And it’s great to see something which isn’t just big, but also incredibly detailed. Oh yes, it seems the Rebel Alliance has a fully-operational space station all of its own.

The post That’s no moon – it’s a rebel space station appeared first on The Brothers Brick.

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Original author: Rod

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