By TheBrothersBrick on woensdag, 01 augustus 2018
Category: Latest LEGO news

TBB Cover Photo for August 2018: Enchantments, potions and magic!

August is an enchanting time of year — here in the Northern Hemisphere, people are taking summer vacations and looking forward to the heat waves ending as we head into autumn, while in the Southern Hemisphere winter begins drawing to a close. Far more enchanting than the mere changing of the seasons, this magical scene by César Soares is TBB’s cover photo for August 2018. The diorama depicts a wizard’s workshop, replete with potions, ingredients, and arcane equipment. Spend some time getting lost in the details, but make sure you get out before the wizard returns!

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The post TBB Cover Photo for August 2018: Enchantments, potions and magic! appeared first on The Brothers Brick.

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Original author: Andrew

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