By TheBrothersBrick on zaterdag, 06 maart 2021
Category: Latest LEGO news

A mosaic as proud as a peacock

One of the coolest things about LEGO building is how it can cross over with other art forms. This stunning mosaic by Deep Shen was inspired by a cross-stitch pattern. Translated into LEGO, it uses about 6,700 pieces to cover 160×104 studs (that’s about 50 inches x 32 inches) and took two weeks to build. The end result was definitely worth the investment in time and parts, as it really captures the majesty of the peacock.

If you do the math, 160×104 studs would normally require 16,640 1×1 plates, not 6,700. Deep Shen built this image pixel by pixel in first, then used the software to optimize things by combining the 1×1 plates into longer ones where possible.  It’s cool to see different techniques for designing mosaic images being applied, and a good reminder that not every mosaic needs to look like a LEGO Art Set.

Believe it or not, the Peacock is only Deep Shen’s second ever mosaic. His first try at this style of building is worthy of attention, too. This Lion uses about 5,000 pieces and is 113 studs on a side. It took only three days to complete, a time span that makes me think there was some intensive building going on.

Do these mosaics make you want to create some art of your own? Check out some of the other creations in our Mosaics archive for even more inspiration!

The post A mosaic as proud as a peacock appeared first on The Brothers Brick.

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Original author: Chris Doyle

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