By BrickNerd on zaterdag, 06 maart 2021
Category: Latest LEGO news

LEGO Amelia Earhart Tribute (40450) Mel Caddick Interview

In something new that LEGO has started doing on the Amelia Earhart Tribute (40450), they have done an interview with designer Mel Caddick about the set. She goes into detail on her approach on creating the Lockheed 5B Vega. hopefully LEGO continues with these types of interviews for future promo sets as well.

The Amelia Earhart Tribute is now available for free with purchases of $100 or more on the LEGO Shop until March 14, while supplies last.

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we spoke with Mel Caddick, the LEGO® designer behind our cool new Amelia Earhart Tribute set!

Question: How would you describe Amelia Earhart? What does she represent to you?

Answer: Amelia Earhart was a great icon, a pioneer and an author. As the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic, she was clearly very adventurous and determined and I think her story inspires anyone who wishes to pursue their dreams.

Amelia Earhart taught us that passions, aspirations and courage know no gender – a legacy not passed on by many, and for that I think we found the perfect personality to celebrate for 2021 International Women’s Day.

Question: What inspired you to create this model?

Answer: We were inspired by Amelia Earhart’s groundbreaking achievement of being the first woman to do a Transatlantic solo flight. The red Lockheed 5B Vega was the plane in 1932 that she used to cross the Atlantic alone. Naturally, this was the perfect model to represent her achievements.

Question: What did you want people to


Original link
Original author: Allen "Tormentalous" Tran

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