A few days ago, LEGO announced the grand prize and runner up winners of the building contest that puts their creations in the LEGO House for an entire year. There are three grand prize winners for each category and 66 runner up winners who will have their creations on display. Below are just a few of the builds.
Grand Prize Winners
Architecture: Tradional Medicine Shop by Knowyourpieces
Minifigure: Backyard Blastoff by nasa105
Nature: Mount Fuji and Cranes by MoMoLam
Runner Up Winners
Architecture: Hexahedral Planetoid by Si-MOCs1
Minifigure: Exploring the Serenity Garden by ABagino
Nature: Avian Blossom by Woomy World
Minifigure: Yoyageur Waterfall by Ians Bricks
Nature: The Branching Elk by DVIDDY
Architecture: Roman Skyscraper by BenBuildsLego
Original author: Allen "Tormentalous" Tran