By TheBrothersBrick on vrijdag, 15 juli 2022
Category: Latest LEGO news

This stunning U-Boat has roughly 15,000 LEGO pieces and removable hull panels

Sometimes something comes along that has us simply awestruck. That would be the case with this stunning LEGO 1/38 scale U-BOOT TYP VII C built by Ciamosław Ciamek. This model has roughly 15,000 pieces and is about 70 inches or 177 centimeters long. It also took staggering four-and-a-half years to build. In case you were wondering this is the same type of U-Boat from the Das Boot movie, which, in my opinion, is one of the tensest and most exhilarating movies ever made; a worthy watch if you haven’t seen it already. The hull panels can be removed on both the port and starboard sides. Here’s a view with the port panels removed to view the interior spaces.

This photo highlights what the port side looks like with the hull intact but it also illustrates the model broken into six modules that accurately represent how the real vessel would be compartmentalized. The first module represents the forward torpedo room and crew compartment while the second houses the officers’ quarters, radio, and listening room. Next, we have the control room with the conning tower, then the petty officers’ quarters. Lastly, we have the diesel engines room and electric engines, and the aft torpedo room.

The model is of such a grand scale that it can be easy to lose sight of small details from afar. Thankfully this builder has also provided several closeup photographs, this particular one is amidships and the superstructure. Here we see some of the crew manning the guns and getting what is undoubtedly some much-needed air. I like that a seagull has decided to hitch a ride.

I’ve been in the US Navy myself and while I have served on three surface ships, I’ve never been on a submarine. As stunned as I am by this amazingly detailed creation, I have a burning question that perhaps some of you can answer. If someone farts in a sub would all hands be stuck smelling it for weeks? While you’re mulling that over check out some other fabulous creations by Ciamosław Ciamek in our archives.

The post This stunning U-Boat has roughly 15,000 LEGO pieces and removable hull panels appeared first on The Brothers Brick.

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Original author: Lino

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