By BrickNerd on zaterdag, 11 maart 2023
Category: Latest LEGO news

What's in the Space Box?

Best of BrickNerd - Article originally published March 5, 2021.

I'm a huge fan of old movies, and if you don't know where the title is from, go watch the movie Se7en. There are lots of series that gets worse and worse as they go on, but there are few that get better with age. The Mission Impossible series comes to mind as one of the rare examples where each new film is better and more over-the-top than the last.

Chris Yu’s Space Box series can be counted as one of those examples where each new sequel is better than the last.

Chris is a Taiwanese builder who has been building some amazing creations for the last four years—including this amazing World of Warcraft Orc (which is saying a lot, since I was totally an Alliance Dwarf healing priest!). But one of Chris’ specialties is the mind-blowing and magical ‘Space Box’ series.

While I’m a huge fan of the LEGO Popup Book, this takes the concept of a universe inside box to a whole new new world. His ability to squeeze such a complicated and complete scene within the box is just out of this world. I also love the fact he’s included original Classic Space style box art as part of the backdrop.

My assistant, Mr. Google, and I reached out to Chris and talked to him about his Space Box series.

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates

You never know what you’re going to get. Much like the first movie in a series, Chris’ first box was a foray into the unknown. It was less of an opening box, and more of a LEGO dollhouse with removable play compartments.

But you can clearly see the early stages of what would become his Space Box Series. I reached out and asked him how he came up with his first Space Box concept:

“2017台灣有個樂高建築比賽,那時我選擇經典太空作為主題,我的作品類似有很多抽屜的房子,最後也拿到不錯的名次。2018因為要到日本參加活動 (JBF - Japan BrickFest),為了方便攜帶,想到覺得經典太空+盒子的作法不錯,剛好可以放進手提行李,因此就延續這個概念做下去。

There was a LEGO building competition in Taiwan in 2017. At that time, I chose Classic Space as the theme. My work resembled a house with many drawers, and fortunately I placed in the competition. In 2018, I went to Japan to participate in the event (JBF - Japan BrickFest). In order to carry it easily, it occurred to me that the Classic Space + box seemed perfect to fit in hand-carried baggage, and it went well. Therefore, I decided to continue this concept.”

Thinking Outside the Box

His second build was far more complex than his first:

This build was where he truly went “outside the box” for his concept—using several iterations and going straight to some really unique ways of opening. The top of the box pops up and the sides fall out almost like petals of a flower. I'm also surprised that the sides didn't open up at perfect right angles—two sections are at a 45-degree angle!

I asked him what the hardest part of making these builds were:


Wow, these opening and closing mechanisms really take a lot of time and brainpower. It takes a lot of time to try different methods, and on average it takes me two or three months to complete it. I also gave myself the task that all my building must work differently than the last, which is even more challenging to me.”

Chris also showed us some of the concept sketches

As a Sci-Fi builder who has also dabbled in the Classic Space builds, I'm always curious about other builder’s infatuation with this particular LEGO theme. I asked why he choose Classic Space for these wonderful box creations:


Personally, I have been a fan of science fiction since I was a child. I am also interested in science-related knowledge. When I grew up as an adult, I was fascinated with LEGO again. The theme of Classic Space is retro and it attracts me. While I was building these classic works, to me, I’m not a LEGO builder but a space architect! (LOL)”

Third Time’s the Charm

Chris’ third box is probably the truest to his original suitcase concept—the entire Space Box folds up and could easily pass as a carry-on. I guess you could say it is a blue box that is bigger on the inside.

One of the things I and my fellow contributors miss here at BrickNerd is attending LEGO conventions and the great joy of displaying our builds and interacting with the crowd. But all my builds are boring compared to Chris’ more crowd-pleasing interactive displays. I had to know, so I asked how the public reacts to these Space Boxes when they see them:

“[wow! amazing!] 我收到最多這樣的評語,「這就像萬能麥斯(MightyMax)!」這是我收到二多的評語,「樂高應該出這樣的作品」這是第三多的評語,哈哈!我很喜歡人們在觀看我的作品時,看得入迷的表情,我相信大部分的人都會想像自己就是作品中的太空人。

‘Wow!’ and ‘Amazing!’ are the comments I get most. ‘It’s like Mighty Max!’ is the second. ‘LEGO should sell this’ is the third one, haha! I really like the fascinating expression when people watch my work. I believe most people looking at my Space Box are imagining themselves being the spaceman in the spaceship.”

Breaking the Fourth Wall

By its exterior, Chris’ fourth and newest Space Box appears to be just a huge square spacecraft. When the case is opened though, you can see a pop-up mini space world with mining fields, base buildings, vehicles and more, all with a nod to the classic set packaging.

These boxes seem like a crazy amount of work and effort, not to mention trial and error, so I wanted to ask Chris what words of encouragement he would share with other builders aspiring to create amazing MOCs like his:


Experience is always the best teacher, just try everything, and keep trying. Don’t be afraid of any failure or mistake. It’s not a big deal to re-do if you’ve failed, you will definitely get what you want eventually!”

Have you ever seen one of Chris Yu’s Space Boxes in person? Leave your stories in the comments below.

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Original author: Simon Liu

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