What do Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture, and a brave Wookiee warrior have in common? More than you think. Take this visually arresting build by JustAnotherTFOL, which gets the award for the best use of Chewbacca legs since . . . well, Chewbacca’s legs. The parts from the buildable Chewbacca figure make a great tree trunk.

Demeter: goddess of agriculture

But the great parts usage doesn’t end there. The golden curl piece gets to shine as both the vine that grows around the column and her curly hair. It all flows together organically, which is a good look for a goddess like Demeter.

Untitled (1080 x 720 px) - 4

The post Demeter, goddess of great parts usage appeared first on The Brothers Brick.

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Original author: Ryan Kunz