4002016 50 Years on Track part 1
LEGO no. | 4002016-1 | LEGO year | 2016 | LEGO Theme | Promotional | Number of pages | 36 | Number of pieces | 1141 |
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7735 12V Mixed Train Set
LEGO no. | 7735 | LEGO year | 1985 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 22 | Number of pieces | 524 |
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10277 Crocodile Locomotive
LEGO no. | 10277 | LEGO year | 2020 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 132 | Number of pieces | 1271 |
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60198 Cargo Train
LEGO no. | 60198 | LEGO year | 2018 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 360 | Number of pieces | 1226 |
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7835 Level Crossing
LEGO no. | 7835 | LEGO year | 1985 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 8 | Number of pieces | 133 |
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4559 Cargo Railway
LEGO no. | 4559 | LEGO year | 1996 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 48 | Number of pieces | 854 |
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4514 Cargo Train
LEGO no. | 4514 | LEGO year | 2003 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 28 | Number of pieces | 175 |
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10002 Club Car
LEGO no. | 10002 | LEGO year | 2001 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 295 |
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3677 Red Cargo Train
LEGO no. | 3677 | LEGO year | 2011 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 256 | Number of pieces | 831 |
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126 Steam Locomotive
LEGO no. | 126 | LEGO year | 1970 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 4 | Number of pieces | 60 |
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7750 12V Steam Locomotive
LEGO no. | 7750 | LEGO year | 1980 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 20 | Number of pieces | 267 |
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7865 12V Motor
LEGO no. | 7865 | LEGO year | 1980 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 4 | Number of pieces | 19 |
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4002016 50 Years on Track part 2
LEGO no. | 4002016 | LEGO year | 2016 | LEGO Theme | Promotional | Number of pages | 40 | Number of pieces | 1141 |
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723 Diesel Locomotive
LEGO no. | 723 | LEGO year | 1970 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 5 | Number of pieces | 95 |
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128 Mobile Crane
LEGO no. | 128 | LEGO year | 1971 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 25 |
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726 12 Western Train
LEGO no. | 726 | LEGO year | 1976 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 14 | Number of pieces | 291 |
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7937 Train Station
LEGO no. | 7937 | LEGO year | 2010 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 108 | Number of pieces | 361 |
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10022 Santa Fe Cars Set II
LEGO no. | 10022 | LEGO year | 2002 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 29 | Number of pieces | 411 |
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4536 Hopper Car
LEGO no. | 4536 | LEGO year | 1991 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 12 | Number of pieces | 171 |
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4539 Level Crossing
LEGO no. | 4539 | LEGO year | 1991 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 9 | Number of pieces | 4539 |
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163 Cargo Wagon
LEGO no. | 163 | LEGO year | 1977 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 21 | Number of pieces | 106 |
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7727 12V Goods Train
LEGO no. | 7727 | LEGO year | 1983 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 40 | Number of pieces | 570 |
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7839 Car Carrier Platform
LEGO no. | 7839 | LEGO year | 1986 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 12 | Number of pieces | 333 |
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10170 TTX Intermidal Double Stack Car
LEGO no. | 10170 | LEGO year | 2005 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 33 | Number of pieces | 366 |
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