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(6 beoordelingen, 3.17 uit 5)

LEGO 7249 XXL Mobile Crane

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Onderdeel ID Aantal Kleur Omschrijving
2357 2357 4 Geel Brick 2 x 2 Corner
2412b 2412b 13 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2412b 2412b 16 Geel Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2412b 2412b 2 Zwart Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2420 2420 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 2 Corner
2431 2431 15 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2432 2432 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile Special 1 x 2 with Handle
2432 2432 5 Lichtblauwgrijs Tile Special 1 x 2 with Handle
2445 2445 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 12
2456 2456 1 Geel Brick 2 x 6
2458 2458 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 2 with Pin
2460 2460 1 Geel Tile Special 2 x 2 with Top Pin
2486 2486 1 Geel Bar 1 x 8 x 2
2540 2540 5 Geel Plate Special 1 x 2 Side Handle [Free Ends]
2654 2654 3 Trans-Oranje Plate Round 2 x 2 with Rounded Bottom [Boat Stud]
2695 2695 8 Geel Wheel 30 x 13 Model Team
2696 2696 8 Zwart Tyre 13 x 24 Model Team
2730 2730 5 Geel Technic Brick 1 x 10 [9 Holes]
2780 2780 2 Zwart Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots (Reserve)
2780 2780 22 Zwart Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots
No Image 2856c02 1 Zwart Technic Turntable Large Type 1 with Trans-Clear Top [Complete Assembly]
2877 2877 6 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 2 with Grill
2905 2905 4 Zwart Technic Beam Triangle Thin [Type I]
No Image 2922 1 Zwart Train Pantograph Shoe with Locking Hinge with 2 Fingers
No Image 298c02 1 Rood Lever Small Base with Black Lever (Reserve)
No Image 298c02 2 Rood Lever Small Base with Black Lever
30000 30000 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 2 x 2 with 2 Pins and Axle Hole
3001 3001 5 Zwart Brick 2 x 4
3002 3002 1 Zwart Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 2 Geel Brick 2 x 3
3003 3003 9 Geel Brick 2 x 2
3004 3004 4 Geel Brick 1 x 2
3005 3005 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Brick 1 x 1
3006 3006 1 Zwart Brick 2 x 10
3007 3007 4 Zwart Brick 2 x 8
3008 3008 1 Zwart Brick 1 x 8
3009 3009 4 Lichtblauwgrijs Brick 1 x 6
3010 3010 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 8 Geel Brick 1 x 4
30104 30104 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Chain 17L
30183 30183 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope Inverted 45° 6 x 4 Double with Recessed Center
3020 3020 12 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 4
3022 3022 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 18 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 2
3023 3023 3 Trans-Geel Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 10 Geel Plate 1 x 2
No Image 30237a 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 2 with Vertical Clip [Thick U Clip]
3024 3024 2 Wit Plate 1 x 1
30250 30250 1 Geel Cockpit 7 x 4 x 3
30251 30251 1 Trans-Bruin Windscreen 5 x 4 x 3
30283 30283 3 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope Inverted 45° 6 x 4 Double with 4 x 4 Cutout
30285 30285 2 Geel Wheel 18 x 14 with Tread Small Hub
3029 3029 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 4 x 12
30295 30295 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Vehicle Base 12 x 18 x 1 1/3
30296 30296 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Arch 2 x 14 x 2 1/3
3031 3031 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 4 x 4
3032 3032 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 4 x 6
3034 3034 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 8
3034 3034 3 Geel Plate 2 x 8
30363 30363 1 Geel Slope 18° 4 x 2
3037 3037 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Slope 45° 2 x 4
No Image 3039pr0002 1 Wit Slope 45° 2 x 2 with Radar and Disk Slot Print
30414 30414 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 4 with 4 Studs on One Side
30526 30526 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 2 with 2 Pins, Round Pin Holes
3068b 3068b 2 Geel Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Transparant Rood Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3176 3176 4 Geel Plate Special 3 x 2 with Hole
32000 32000 2 Zwart Technic Brick 1 x 2 [2 Holes]
32012 32012 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Reel 3 x 2
32013 32013 2 Zwart Technic Axle and Pin Connector Angled #1
32018 32018 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Brick 1 x 14 [13 Holes]
32054 32054 4 Rood Technic Pin Long with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Stop Bush [3 Lateral Holes, Big Pin Hole]
32062 32062 2 Rood Technic Axle 2 Notched
32123a 32123a 2 Bruin Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Reduced (Reserve)
32123a 32123a 1 Bruin Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Reduced
32209 32209 1 Zwart Technic Axle 5.5 with Stop [Flat Short End]
32316 32316 1 Geel Technic Beam 1 x 5 Thick
3245b 3245b 2 Geel Brick 1 x 2 x 2 with Inside Axle Holder
32532 32532 2 Geel Technic Brick 6 x 8 with 4 x 6 Opening
No Image 32556a 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Pin Long without Friction Ridges - Single Slot
33299a 33299a 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Beam 3 x 0.5 Liftarm with Boss and Pin / Crank
3460 3460 4 Zwart Plate 1 x 8
3622 3622 2 Geel Brick 1 x 3
3647 3647 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Gear 8 Tooth
3647 3647 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Gear 8 Tooth (Reserve)
3660 3660 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 [Ovoid Bottom Pin, Bar-sized Stud Holes]
3665 3665 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 1
3666 3666 10 Zwart Plate 1 x 6
3678b 3678b 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope 65° 2 x 2 x 2 with Bottom Tube
3700 3700 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Brick 1 x 2 [1 Hole]
3710 3710 10 Geel Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 3 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 1 x 4
3713 3713 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Bush (Reserve)
3713 3713 4 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Bush
3737 3737 1 Zwart Technic Axle 10
3747b 3747b 2 Geel Slope Inverted 33° 3 x 2 [Connections between Studs]
3749 3749 5 Bruin Technic Axle Pin without Friction Ridges Lengthwise
3794a 3794a 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud without Groove (Jumper)
3795 3795 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 6
3821 3821 1 Geel Door 1 x 3 x 1 Right
3822 3822 1 Geel Door 1 x 3 x 1 Left
3829c01 3829c01 1 Rood Steering Stand 1 x 2 with Black Steering Wheel
3830 3830 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Hinge Brick 1 x 4 [Upper]
3831 3831 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Hinge Brick 1 x 4 [Lower]
3832 3832 1 Geel Plate 2 x 10
3837 3837 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Equipment Shovel [Rounded Stem End]
3894 3894 2 Geel Technic Brick 1 x 6 [5 Holes]
3941 3941 2 Geel Brick Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole
3942c 3942c 3 Geel Cone 2 x 2 x 2 with Completely Open Stud
3962b 3962b 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Equipment Radio [Extended Handle, Compact Speaker Grille]
4006 4006 1 Zwart Tool Screwdriver and Spanner / Wrench
4032b 4032b 3 Zwart Plate Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole Type 2 (X Opening)
40620 40620 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Exhaust Pipe with Technic Pin
4070 4070 6 Geel Brick Special 1 x 1 with Headlight and No Slot
4079 4079 2 Rood Seat / Chair 2 x 2
4151 4151 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate Special 8 x 8 with Grille [Undetermined Center]
41532 41532 5 Zwart Hinge Cylinder 1 x 3 Locking with 1 Finger and Technic Friction Pin
4162 4162 8 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile 1 x 8 with Groove
4162 4162 4 Geel Tile 1 x 8 with Groove
4175 4175 2 Geel Plate Special 1 x 2 with Ladder
4176 4176 2 Trans-Bruin Windscreen 2 x 6 x 2
41862 41862 4 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate Special 2 x 2 with Grills
42022 42022 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Curved 6 x 1
42610 42610 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Wheel 11 x 8 with Center Groove
4282 4282 1 Geel Plate 2 x 16
4282 4282 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 16
4286 4286 2 Geel Slope 33° 3 x 1
43898 43898 4 Zwart Dish 3 x 3 Inverted [Radar]
44302a 44302a 4 Geel Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers On End, with Groove
44675 44675 4 Geel Slope Curved 2 x 2 No Studs - 3 Recessed Side Ports
44728 44728 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2
4477 4477 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 1 x 10
4477 4477 13 Geel Plate 1 x 10
45575 45575 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Spike Connector Pin Double 3L
4589 4589 3 Trans-Oranje Cone 1 x 1 [No Top Groove]
4740 4740 2 Zwart Dish 2 x 2 Inverted [Radar]
48989 48989 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Pin Connector Hub Perpendicular 3L with 4 Pins
50950 50950 6 Geel Slope Curved 3 x 1 No Studs
52031 52031 2 Geel Slope Curved 4 x 6 x 2/3 Triple Curved with 4 Studs
52041 52041 5 Geel Crane Section 4 x 12 x 3 with 8 Pin Holes
No Image 53230 1 [Geen Kleur/Alle Kleuren] Sticker Sheet for Set 7249-1
54200 54200 14 Trans-Oranje Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
56823 56823 1 Zwart String Cord Thin [Undetermined Length]
6019 6019 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate Special 1 x 1 with Clip Horizontal [Thick U Clip]
6087 6087 4 Zwart Bracket 5 x 2 x 2 1/3
6111 6111 2 Geel Brick 1 x 10
6112 6112 4 Zwart Brick 1 x 12
6112 6112 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick 1 x 12
6180 6180 1 Geel Plate Special 4 x 6 with Studs on 3 Edges
6232 6232 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 2 x 2 with Pin and Axle Hole
6249 6249 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Brick Special 2 x 4 with Pins
6541 6541 4 Geel Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Hole
6553 6553 1 Zwart Technic Axle 1.5 with Perpendicular Axle Connector (Technic Pole Reverser Handle)
6632 6632 2 Geel Technic Beam 1 x 3 Thin
75347 75347 2 Geel Support 2 x 2 x 11 Solid Pillar
75535 75535 6 Geel Technic Pin Connector Round [No Slot]
2357 2357 4 Geel Brick 2 x 2 Corner
2412b 2412b 13 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2412b 2412b 16 Geel Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2412b 2412b 2 Zwart Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2420 2420 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 2 Corner
2431 2431 15 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2432 2432 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile Special 1 x 2 with Handle
2432 2432 5 Lichtblauwgrijs Tile Special 1 x 2 with Handle
2445 2445 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 12
2456 2456 1 Geel Brick 2 x 6
2458 2458 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 2 with Pin
2460 2460 1 Geel Tile Special 2 x 2 with Top Pin
2486 2486 1 Geel Bar 1 x 8 x 2
2540 2540 5 Geel Plate Special 1 x 2 Side Handle [Free Ends]
2654 2654 3 Trans-Oranje Plate Round 2 x 2 with Rounded Bottom [Boat Stud]
2695 2695 8 Geel Wheel 30 x 13 Model Team
2696 2696 8 Zwart Tyre 13 x 24 Model Team
2730 2730 5 Geel Technic Brick 1 x 10 [9 Holes]
2780 2780 2 Zwart Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots (Reserve)
2780 2780 22 Zwart Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots
No Image 2856c02 1 Zwart Technic Turntable Large Type 1 with Trans-Clear Top [Complete Assembly]
2877 2877 6 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 2 with Grill
2905 2905 4 Zwart Technic Beam Triangle Thin [Type I]
No Image 2922 1 Zwart Train Pantograph Shoe with Locking Hinge with 2 Fingers
No Image 298c02 1 Rood Lever Small Base with Black Lever (Reserve)
No Image 298c02 2 Rood Lever Small Base with Black Lever
30000 30000 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 2 x 2 with 2 Pins and Axle Hole
3001 3001 5 Zwart Brick 2 x 4
3002 3002 1 Zwart Brick 2 x 3
3002 3002 2 Geel Brick 2 x 3
3003 3003 9 Geel Brick 2 x 2
3004 3004 4 Geel Brick 1 x 2
3005 3005 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Brick 1 x 1
3006 3006 1 Zwart Brick 2 x 10
3007 3007 4 Zwart Brick 2 x 8
3008 3008 1 Zwart Brick 1 x 8
3009 3009 4 Lichtblauwgrijs Brick 1 x 6
3010 3010 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 8 Geel Brick 1 x 4
30104 30104 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Chain 17L
30183 30183 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope Inverted 45° 6 x 4 Double with Recessed Center
3020 3020 12 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 4
3022 3022 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 18 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 2
3023 3023 3 Trans-Geel Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 10 Geel Plate 1 x 2
No Image 30237a 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 2 with Vertical Clip [Thick U Clip]
3024 3024 2 Wit Plate 1 x 1
30250 30250 1 Geel Cockpit 7 x 4 x 3
30251 30251 1 Trans-Bruin Windscreen 5 x 4 x 3
30283 30283 3 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope Inverted 45° 6 x 4 Double with 4 x 4 Cutout
30285 30285 2 Geel Wheel 18 x 14 with Tread Small Hub
3029 3029 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 4 x 12
30295 30295 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Vehicle Base 12 x 18 x 1 1/3
30296 30296 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Arch 2 x 14 x 2 1/3
3031 3031 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 4 x 4
3032 3032 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 4 x 6
3034 3034 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 8
3034 3034 3 Geel Plate 2 x 8
30363 30363 1 Geel Slope 18° 4 x 2
3037 3037 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Slope 45° 2 x 4
No Image 3039pr0002 1 Wit Slope 45° 2 x 2 with Radar and Disk Slot Print
30414 30414 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 4 with 4 Studs on One Side
30526 30526 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 2 with 2 Pins, Round Pin Holes
3068b 3068b 2 Geel Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Transparant Rood Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3176 3176 4 Geel Plate Special 3 x 2 with Hole
32000 32000 2 Zwart Technic Brick 1 x 2 [2 Holes]
32012 32012 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Reel 3 x 2
32013 32013 2 Zwart Technic Axle and Pin Connector Angled #1
32018 32018 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Brick 1 x 14 [13 Holes]
32054 32054 4 Rood Technic Pin Long with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Stop Bush [3 Lateral Holes, Big Pin Hole]
32062 32062 2 Rood Technic Axle 2 Notched
32123a 32123a 2 Bruin Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Reduced (Reserve)
32123a 32123a 1 Bruin Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Reduced
32209 32209 1 Zwart Technic Axle 5.5 with Stop [Flat Short End]
32316 32316 1 Geel Technic Beam 1 x 5 Thick
3245b 3245b 2 Geel Brick 1 x 2 x 2 with Inside Axle Holder
32532 32532 2 Geel Technic Brick 6 x 8 with 4 x 6 Opening
No Image 32556a 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Pin Long without Friction Ridges - Single Slot
33299a 33299a 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Beam 3 x 0.5 Liftarm with Boss and Pin / Crank
3460 3460 4 Zwart Plate 1 x 8
3622 3622 2 Geel Brick 1 x 3
3647 3647 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Gear 8 Tooth
3647 3647 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Gear 8 Tooth (Reserve)
3660 3660 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 [Ovoid Bottom Pin, Bar-sized Stud Holes]
3665 3665 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 1
3666 3666 10 Zwart Plate 1 x 6
3678b 3678b 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope 65° 2 x 2 x 2 with Bottom Tube
3700 3700 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Brick 1 x 2 [1 Hole]
3710 3710 10 Geel Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 3 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 1 x 4
3713 3713 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Bush (Reserve)
3713 3713 4 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Bush
3737 3737 1 Zwart Technic Axle 10
3747b 3747b 2 Geel Slope Inverted 33° 3 x 2 [Connections between Studs]
3749 3749 5 Bruin Technic Axle Pin without Friction Ridges Lengthwise
3794a 3794a 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud without Groove (Jumper)
3795 3795 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 6
3821 3821 1 Geel Door 1 x 3 x 1 Right
3822 3822 1 Geel Door 1 x 3 x 1 Left
3829c01 3829c01 1 Rood Steering Stand 1 x 2 with Black Steering Wheel
3830 3830 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Hinge Brick 1 x 4 [Upper]
3831 3831 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Hinge Brick 1 x 4 [Lower]
3832 3832 1 Geel Plate 2 x 10
3837 3837 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Equipment Shovel [Rounded Stem End]
3894 3894 2 Geel Technic Brick 1 x 6 [5 Holes]
3941 3941 2 Geel Brick Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole
3942c 3942c 3 Geel Cone 2 x 2 x 2 with Completely Open Stud
3962b 3962b 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Equipment Radio [Extended Handle, Compact Speaker Grille]
4006 4006 1 Zwart Tool Screwdriver and Spanner / Wrench
4032b 4032b 3 Zwart Plate Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole Type 2 (X Opening)
40620 40620 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Exhaust Pipe with Technic Pin
4070 4070 6 Geel Brick Special 1 x 1 with Headlight and No Slot
4079 4079 2 Rood Seat / Chair 2 x 2
4151 4151 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate Special 8 x 8 with Grille [Undetermined Center]
41532 41532 5 Zwart Hinge Cylinder 1 x 3 Locking with 1 Finger and Technic Friction Pin
4162 4162 8 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile 1 x 8 with Groove
4162 4162 4 Geel Tile 1 x 8 with Groove
4175 4175 2 Geel Plate Special 1 x 2 with Ladder
4176 4176 2 Trans-Bruin Windscreen 2 x 6 x 2
41862 41862 4 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate Special 2 x 2 with Grills
42022 42022 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Curved 6 x 1
42610 42610 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Wheel 11 x 8 with Center Groove
4282 4282 1 Geel Plate 2 x 16
4282 4282 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 16
4286 4286 2 Geel Slope 33° 3 x 1
43898 43898 4 Zwart Dish 3 x 3 Inverted [Radar]
44302a 44302a 4 Geel Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers On End, with Groove
44675 44675 4 Geel Slope Curved 2 x 2 No Studs - 3 Recessed Side Ports
44728 44728 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2
4477 4477 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 1 x 10
4477 4477 13 Geel Plate 1 x 10
45575 45575 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Spike Connector Pin Double 3L
4589 4589 3 Trans-Oranje Cone 1 x 1 [No Top Groove]
4740 4740 2 Zwart Dish 2 x 2 Inverted [Radar]
48989 48989 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Pin Connector Hub Perpendicular 3L with 4 Pins
50950 50950 6 Geel Slope Curved 3 x 1 No Studs
52031 52031 2 Geel Slope Curved 4 x 6 x 2/3 Triple Curved with 4 Studs
52041 52041 5 Geel Crane Section 4 x 12 x 3 with 8 Pin Holes
No Image 53230 1 [Geen Kleur/Alle Kleuren] Sticker Sheet for Set 7249-1
54200 54200 14 Trans-Oranje Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
56823 56823 1 Zwart String Cord Thin [Undetermined Length]
6019 6019 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate Special 1 x 1 with Clip Horizontal [Thick U Clip]
6087 6087 4 Zwart Bracket 5 x 2 x 2 1/3
6111 6111 2 Geel Brick 1 x 10
6112 6112 4 Zwart Brick 1 x 12
6112 6112 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick 1 x 12
6180 6180 1 Geel Plate Special 4 x 6 with Studs on 3 Edges
6232 6232 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick Special 2 x 2 with Pin and Axle Hole
6249 6249 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Brick Special 2 x 4 with Pins
6541 6541 4 Geel Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Hole
6553 6553 1 Zwart Technic Axle 1.5 with Perpendicular Axle Connector (Technic Pole Reverser Handle)
6632 6632 2 Geel Technic Beam 1 x 3 Thin
75347 75347 2 Geel Support 2 x 2 x 11 Solid Pillar
75535 75535 6 Geel Technic Pin Connector Round [No Slot]
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