LEGO Fortnite Supply Llama (77071) Review

Next up on our reviews of the LEGO Fortnite sets, we take a look at one of the most iconic things in the game with the Supply Llama (77071). The set has 691 pieces and retails for $39.99. The build features the Fortnite Llama pinata which drops a number of supplies in the game.

The foundation of the Llama is mostly made up of various color plates while using some SNOT on side plates for the side panels later on. At the end of Bag 2, we have the back section where the supplies are stored. The area has some black slope pieces for the supplies to drop out easily. There’s also a “door” that you can fill up the Llama with supplies.

Bag 3 is where some of the many repetitive parts are for the Supply Llama. There are plates that you use various colored cheese and curved slopes to get the pinata paper detailing.

The next bag continues with the pinata detailing for the front and back of the Llama. We also have the tail which also uses some curve pieces to get that paper ribbon effect and are clipped on.

For Bag 5, we start building up the neck, which again, uses SNOT bricks so we can add detailing to the sides without having studs showing at the end. The neck will follow the same outline of using cheese slopes and curved slopes on plates to get the paper details. The sides of the neck will use larger angled plates to cover … Continue
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