This entry into the 2018 Summer Joust by Grant Davis is one of those MOCs that keeps you looking. There's so many details, techniques and cool part combinations that you can stare at it for whole minutes. Grant promises a video later this week featuring construction techniques and how it was built, you can bet I'll be tuning in. Original linkOriginal author: Tommy
This trio of fantastic builds and shots comes to us courtesy of the mad skills of Travis Brickle, Simon NH and Ralf Langer. The task was to show a medieval building process, so the team each built one part and assembled them into a three panel triptych. The lighting in these shots is top notch, building a real mood. Original linkOriginal author: Tommy
“Paladins 12 and 13 we have a distance unusual sensor contact, could be Blacktron activity. Set course to 0.16 by 242 and check it out. The convoy is going to prepare to jump to rendezvous site Foxtrot 6 based on your findings.”“Roger that Convoy Control, setting course and going in hot”“I’m on your six Boxcar”“Roger Lucky”“Good luck you two hopefully it’s nothing but if not we’ll see you at Foxtrot 6” Rob Damiano’s Nova Team story telling is fantastic. I always get excited when seeing a Nova Team thumbnail when browsing through Flickr. After a long absence he’s back with the LL-824 Paladin Escort Starfighter. I love the side by side seating that is facilitated by using the large cockpit form Bennie’s SPACESHIP, SPACESHIP, SPACESHIP. The side by side configuration has been used on a few fighters but the tandem (one in front of the other is much more common), the...
Parents out there will probably appreciate the subtle nuance of this MOC by SuckMyBrick, especially if you have two or more children. It's amazing how when something goes amiss how everyone is innocent, like the missing banana in this scene. I suppose it's feasible the frog ate it, but what's behind you back there monkey? Let me see your hand...your other hand... Original linkOriginal author: Tommy
Growing up in California, especially on the central coast with frequent trips to Los Angeles, we never saw much public transportation. I'm afraid the car reigns supreme here, and life in Los Angeles is next to impossible without one. This is probably why I'm so enamored with trollies, trains and cool busses, and why I find this tram by Pate-keetongu so irresistible. I also enjoy a good period or vintage build, this one is set at a time three times my age, and that's pretty old. Original linkOriginal author: Tommy